Micaiah Ministries Overview
Micaiah Ministries has traveled the globe since 1981 declaring the Word of God without compromise, ministering to hurting people, networking and edifying the body of Christ and strengthening leaders.
We have a particular emphasis on Russia where we are doing our part to reach the 1.8 million youth in crisis.
Together, we ARE making a difference,,,Together, we ARE reaching the word for Jesus!
Prayer Request
Youth in Crisis in Russia
Every year more than 50,000 children run away from abusive homes and government run institutions. According to U.N. reports from 2012 (Orphanage teachers tell us that not much has changed since the report of 2012) 90% of young people who age out of the orphanages between the ages of 16-18 end up on the street, in prison, prostitution, doing drugs, and drinking alcohol. One more recent statistic that has changed was reported in a local newspaper from Gatchina, Russia. Suicide is on the rise among these young people. It is now reported that 10% commit suicide within the first year of aging out of the orphanages.
Restoration House, just outside of Saint Petersburg, Russia is there to assist.